Tuetun työllistymisen työkalupakki
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Tuetun työllistymisen työkalupakki
Project Name
European supported employment toolkit
Hankkeen päätoteuttaja-
Koko hankkeen vastuuhenkilö
European Union of Supported Employment, Dundee City Council
Kristiina Härkäpää
Vates-säätiö, eurooppalaiset tuetun työllistymisen organisaatiot
Ohjausryhmän jäsenet
EU, Leonardo da Vinci -ohjelma
Hankkeen tiivistelmä
The purpose of the project is to develop a range of learning, educational and training materials that will be aimed at professionals involved in delivering supported employment services to people with disabilities and potential employers in Europe.There is tangible evidence within Europe that there is an identified need for the development of such practical training and learning materials to improve the skills development of personnel involved in delivering supported employment services.The project consists of 12 partners and a wide range of associated partners from local, regional and national levels involved in the design and development of the European Supported Employment Toolkit. All the partners are connected either directly or indirectly to the European Union of Supported Employment.The 'Toolkit' will consist of a range of Position Papers, How To Guides and Training Materials, which will be designed to increase the knowledge and skills of professionals responsible for the delivery of supported employment. To support more disabled people into employment the Partnership aims to improve the quality of training material available to those responsible for providing support. The toolkit will be developed over two years through 6-8 partnership meetings throughout Europe.The operational objectives of the project are:- Design and develop a range of learning, practical guidance and instructional materials that will support service providers/participants in the acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and awareness to support disabled/disadvantaged people into the European labour market- Develop the Supported Employment model in Europe to facilitate improvements to standards and practices in the vocational education and training of supported employment service provider organisations - Improve the quality and increase the cooperation between organisations, institutions and professionals involved in the delivery of supported employment services throughout Europe- Facilitate the development of innovative and good practices in the field of supported employment/vocational education and training between the participating countries/partners.
Hankkeen tulokset
Ks. projektin verkkojulkaisu osoitteesta: http://www.euse.org/supported-employment-toolkit-2
Hankkeen tiivistelmä